Thursday, February 12, 2009

The Dinosaurs Of Waterhouse Hawkins

I borrowed this book from the library. The title is The Dinosaurs Of Waterhouse Hawkins, written by Barbara Kerley.

Benjamin Waterhouse Hawkins was a talented artist who had great interest in drawing and painting all kinds of animals. He had an exciting project - building dinosaurs. He built his first dinosaur which was iguanodon. His success was recognised by Queen Victoria and Prince Albert and many other people.

Later he also became a teacher. He created educational posters, models and books to illustrate. For the next fourteen years, Waterhouse did it all. News of his success had reached America.
He was invited to New York to build models for the America's first two dinosaurs, Hadrosaurus and Laelaps, that had only recently been discovered. Here was his chance to bring these dinosaurs to life for all to see.
He built the first model of a complete dinosaur skeleton and he presented the Hadrosaurs to The Academy of Natural Sciences in Philadelphia, where it was welcomed with great enthusiasm.

He had spent two years in New York City building dinosaurs models in the Paleozoic Museum. However disaster struck. William "Boss" Tweed, a corrupt politician who controlled New York City, had destroyed all Waterhouse's hard work. In spite of this, he created towering hadrosaur skeletons for Princeton University in New Jersey and the Smithsonian Institute in Washington, D.C.

I like this book and all thanks to Waterhouse, if not of him we would not be able to see how dinosaurs looked like.