Friday, August 28, 2009

How I get my yo-yo

I had been tested for silver on swimming and I passed. My mother said that I could choose a toy to buy. I chose a yo-yo called Fire Star. It has light on it and it can auto return. She bought it and it was nineteen dollar and ninety cent. There were three different colours of Fire Star, red, white and blue. I bought the red one because there is a word fire in its name and fire is mostly red. There was battery in it. I threw the yo-yo and it went out of control. Then, it hit the ground. The battery went off and then there was no more light. My mother borrowed a screw driver from her brother. She unscrewed the screws and put the battery back to the original place and tighten the screws. Then its light is back to normal.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Dinosaur Cove Stampede of the Giant Reptiles

This book is about Jamie, Tom and their little dinosaur friend Wanna finding for some Edmontosaurs.

One day, it was the Dinosaur Cove Museum Grand Opening. there were many photographer taking photos of Tom, Jamie and the skeleton of the Emontosaur. They went to Dino World hoping to see some Edmontosaurs.

Suddenly, there was a deafening crash overhead. Bang! The boys ducked instinctively. Bang! Another one. The boys dived to the and cover their heads with their hands.

It was a meteor. That is why they did not find the other dinosaurs, because they are frighten so they are hiding. There were many little flames of fire and it was getting bigger. They headed to the geysers, where the velociraptor live. The geysers had became into geyser pits.

Soon, they saw some Edmontosaurs stampeding towards the geyser pit. They had a plan. they ran to a burning bush and they they waved the branches as hard as they could. They were still stampeding forward until Jamie and Tom shouted Stop! They noticed the fire just in time and turned to one side. Th ey went to White Ocean for a wash and went back to Ginko Hill and back to the Museum just in time, the time was one o'clock. Jamie's father, Mr Morgon said: 'Welcome to the Dinosaur Cove Museum. The most magical dinosaur place in the whole world...' 'The second most magical place,' Jamie whispered to Tom.

--------------------------------------------The End----------------------------------------------

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Dinosaur Cove Charge of the Three-horned Monster

In book number two, Jamie and Tom were back. Jamie sprinted along the pebbly beach of Dinosaur Cove to meet his frend, Tom. They went to the secret cave excitedly, and they reached Ginko Hill once again. Wanna was waiting for them.

Last time, they had explored east, so the three of them decided to go north for a change. They thought they saw a village at the Far Away Mountains and they headed toward it.

On the way, they saw a herd of Three-horned Monster. They were Triceratops, and were herbivores too. The herd was heading towards Far Away Mountains. So, they rided on their backs.

If you want to know what happened next, find it out yourselves by reading the book.

Dinosaur Clove Attack of the Lizard King

This book comes in series. Attack of the Lizard King is Book number one. This book is about Jamie and Tom. You will read about how they met and discovered a secret place that lead them to the world of Dinosaurs!

Entering the Dinosaur World, they found themselves at Ginko Hill. At there, they saw their first herbivore dinosaur which was Wannanosaurus. While they were observing "Wanna", they heard gigantic footstep from behind. It was a T-Rex heading towards them! Oh no!

Want to know what happened to them? Find the book and read on! ^o^

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Earth Day

Earth Day is very important to us because we have to save the Earth. Save the Earth means switching off the fans and computers. It is important to recycle, reuse and reduce because if we do not recycle, reuse and reduce we will not have any tree left. We can walk insted of driving because there are gas

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

International Friendship Day

I have many friends. They are Davan Yap, Ryan Toh, Jun Quan and many others. It is important to have friends because if we are in trouble, friends are there to help. It is fun to have freinds to play with. I like to be with my friends.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Earth Day

I did not do anything for Earth Hour because I do not know about Earth Hour. We should put in effort to save our Earth because it is our home. We can help to save Mother Earth by Reduce, Reuse and Recycle!